Who’S Had A Face Lift?

With social conventions changing there has become a general desire to look younger and reverse the signs of aging.
This quest for youth is desired for many different reasons and some of these are below:
- Older work force – with the retirement age rising many older workers are feeling the pressure of competing against younger workers. Many women feel as though the way they look inflicts on their employment opportunities and many are now undergoing face lifts to shave away the years and give them a more youthful appearance in a competitive market place.
- After a marriage break down – a marriage breakdown can have a huge effect on a person’s self-esteem, especially when they’re faced with re-entering the singles scene. Many recent divorcees are opting for a face lift to not only give them a more youthful look but to help their self-esteem.

- Reverse or prevent the signs of aging – it’s no secret that everyone wants to look younger than they are and a face lift is one option.
- General aesthetics – many people live for years hating elements of their face and a face lift allows them to rectify some of these issues. This leads to improved self-esteem and confidence and allows people to do what they want to do without being self-conscious.
If you’re considering a face lift but not sure how it will affect you then be aware that a face lift can improve the following problem areas:

- Muscle tone loss in the lower area of the face
- Excess fatty deposits
- Loose skin under the jaw and chin
- Deep creases around the nose, corners of your mouth or under your eyelids.
If you’re thinking a face lift is for you then talk to a cosmetic surgery expert who can talk you through each of the steps involved in a face lift. It is important to be fully aware of what is involved so that you can make the best decision for you.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/cosmetics-articles/