
Obesity means extra pounds and these extra pounds put an extra load on your feet and create a disabling pain. Experts note that over weight people suffer higher rates of tendonitis, fractures and sprains than people with normal weight.
1. The main cause of obesity is overeating. Some people have the habit of eating too much whilst others are in the habit of eating high calorie foods. These people gain weight continuously as they fail to adjust their appetite to reduced energy requirements. Sometimes persons eat because they feel unhappy, lonely or unloved. Some indulge in food because of social or financial constraints.
2. Besides over eating is also due to glandular disturbances like the disease of the pituitary gland wherein an excess of fat is deposited around the chest and the abdomen in a girdle-like fashion. Besides pituitary gland, thyroid gland too is responsible for giving extra fat to the body. One of the most important function of the thyroid gland is the burning of fat and an underactive thyroid can cause much unnecessary fat deposit allover the body. The hormone secreted which regulates metabolism and burning of fat is called thyroxin and is largely made up of the mineral iodine. Adequate iodine is of foremost importance for normal healthy functioning of thyroid gland. The foods containing iodine are shrimps, oysters, salmon, radish, tomatoes, watercress, cod liver oil and iodized vegetable salt.
These glandular disorders can be corrected by endocrinologists.
Article Source:http://www.makeup-artists.org/