A Look at Tanning Accelerators**What you are looking from a tanning enhancer is to increase the melanin levels in your body. You have special cells in your skin called pigment cells, and that is what gives your skin color....A Look at Tanning Accelerators
Have you been thinking about using a tanning accelerator along with your next trip to the tanning salon? The story usually goes like this, you get that call or invite in the mail to be in a wedding party or your twenty year high school reunion. Panic starts to set in because it is February and you are white as a sheet. So you do some poking around and find some information on how to get tanned quickly, and the tanning accelerator issue comes up. To help you on your journey to looking good, let us take a brief look at how a tanning accelerator can improve your skin tone and color, if used properly.What you are looking from a tanning enhancer is to increase the melanin levels in your body. You have special cells in your skin called pigment cells, and that is what gives your skin color. These cells have a special chemical in them called melanin, which determines the extent of the coloring. If you have higher levels of melanin pigment your skin will become darker. If you use a tanning accelerator product, you will be increasing the levels of melanin, and you can them either lay out in the natural sun to tan or you can pay a visit to a tanning salon. These tan promoter products will also help to keep your skin moisturized, have fewer dead skin cells, and help your body generate a nice deep looking tan.By now I am sure you are wondering just how a tanning promoter works in your body. These products have natural enzymes in them that help to increase the
melanin in your skin, which is also called the skin pigment. You can find these tanning accelerators at any salon or drug store near you. Some of the more expensive products will have a substance in them called methyl nicotinate, which helps to repair damaged and dry skin. You will often see these types of products called tan maximizers, and they also help to reduce skin flaking and restore your natural skin suppleness. There is also still another product that is referred to as a skin tingle. This product is applied directly to the skin and what it does is increase the blood flow to the skin giving you a tingling feeling, while at the same time the increased blood makes the skin appear to have a warmer color. You need to use tingler products with caution. Finally, you can quite often find a tanning accelerator product that contains Tyrosine, which is considered an indoor tanning lotion. It has an amino acid in its solution that helps your body promote levels of melanin.This leads us to the cautions that are required when applying your tanning accelerator product. These solutions will tan the skin instantly, so if you don't smooth it on evenly you will get a streaked look on your skin. If your natural skin color is fair or light you want to make sure the tanning accelerator you use has a sunscreen in it. This will help you block out the sun, and give you the ability to gradually increase your tan until you are satisfied with it.By Elijiah Rampart
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elijiah_Rampart