Beauty is not skin deep. A real beauty also has a beautiful soul within herself...Here are some home truths, if you will follow them faithfully you will spread goodwill and cheer all around you...
Beauty is Not Skin Deep
Beauty is not skin deep. A real beauty also has a beautiful soul within herself, which makes her kind and gentle. You must remember that besides having external beauty if you have a kind word and a helping hand, besides giving you inner serenity and outer beauty it will open wide the floodgates of goodwill and fellow feeling.
Here are some home truths, if you will follow them faithfully you will spread goodwill and cheer all around you.
1. Never laugh at anyone's dreams.
2. Don't injure your relations because of a little dispute. Always think before you talk.
3. If you find an old person or a pregnant lady standing in a bus or a train offer your seat to them.
4. In the same way if you fin:d a physically handicapped person or an old lady behind you in the queue, let them go ahead of you.
5. Someone will always be looking at you as an example of how to behave, don't let them down.
6. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
7. Don't be so concerned with your own ideas that you forget your manners.
8. Don't dismiss a good idea because you do not like the person woo is giving it to you.
9. Never say anything uncomplimentary about your friends, your neighbors and your relations in front of others.
10. When you say the word a Sorry, mean it.
11. Never take anyone for granted and never let anyone take you for granted. Remember that no time spent with your elders, children and sick is wasted.
12. No matter how old you get, always hug and kiss your parents whenever you meet them to make them feel wanted and loved.
13. When talking to someone always have a pleasant voice. Even if your looks are just ordinary your voice will attract people. It is a great beauty asset. So cultivate a soft and gentle voice. Tone it with sincerity and polish it to a pleasing pitch and see that your conversation is always pleasant. Always be free from ugly gossip.
14. Never befriend someone you love, always befriend a person who loves you.
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