Building Your Cosmetology Career; 6 Steps To A be Nice Attitude

The BE NICE process includes six steps. Begin by trying them on; you will be amazed at the results!
1. Fake it. By choosing a career in the beauty industry, you have automatically given up the right to come to school or work in a bad mood. You have chosen a career that is people focused, and your mood affects others around you. Will you be in a fantastic mood every day? Of course not. There may be days when youre not excited about going to work or school and times when you

2. Find nice mentors. Nice people are all around you! Perhaps you will find nice mentors in your family, your school, or your circle of friends. Look for famous nice people or celebrities to inspire you. Watch what nice people do and copy it.
3. Collect nice stories. Nice people dont spend their days talking about the latest ugly antics from the reality TV show they watched the night before. Nice people look for stories that combat the negative ones people tend to share. The next time someone starts rambling out negative drama, start reciting your nice stories: Did you hear about the wonderful people who all volunteered their time?
4. Practice. Sing songs at full volume in your car. Show gratitude for what you have. Send love notes and thank-you cards. Practice feeling and showing appreciation.

6. Develop the language of a nice person. Nice people are polite. They use kind and considerate words. Acknowledge people when you see them, thank them, and compliment them. Most of all, go out of your way to be nice.
In an industry where you have to be technically competent and knowledgeable, its important to also be nice. You can be artistically brilliant, but youd better be nice. You can be a gifted salesperson, but youd better be nice. Choosing to be nice has many benefits, including the satisfaction of knowing that you make a difference in other peoples lives.
By: Paul Mitchell
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