Distract Yourself from Food
Take up a hobby or a pass time. Learn computers, candle making, beauty courses, painting, singing, dancing. Infact anything which keeps you busily occupied and takes your mind off food.

Go out of your house and go window shopping. Check our on new things and places. This will nor only provide you with a nice exercise but will also make you aware of the new things happening around you.
Go to the park or the garden. Have nice long walks and meet new and interesting people.
Get rid of the accumulated junk in your house. You will be surprised at how much stuff you have collected over the years.
Try to find ways to put the junk to good use, either recycle or find somebody who will rake it from you.
Make friends, reach out to people and see how they welcome you. But do not expect too much from a friend an

Try new styles and make-up tricks. Keep occupied with looking better and better still.
Start comparing yourself with your slimmer friends. A little competition will rake you to the road of success, but too much rivalry will turn exhausting. You must always remember that there will always be someone more beautiful and slim than you are but you can always strive to be personally the best and for this you have to use all your energy to stop over eating and start exercising.
Article Source:http://www.makeup-artists.org/