Stay Slim

Obesity starts from childhood whcih is also called as childhood obesity. Because of over eating right from childhood, the number of fat cells increase manifold. It is estimated that 90 percent children remain fat when they grow up. During the age of 13 to 16 years it is very easy to increase the fat cells in the body by overeating. If your child is overweight then take her to a doctor to see whether any endocrine disorder is present. If it is not present, then you should train your child to eat less otherwise when your child will reach her adolesence, when personal appearances assume major importance the poor child will become a target of unnecessary teasing. Whatever method you try to be slim you will not achieve success unless You keep down the intake of food. If you think it is worth the effort to remain slim for looks, for health reasons and to please Your better half, start dieting from today and establishing new food habits which are low in calories but rich in other important nutrients which will keep your body healthy, happy and slim. You think it is hard? Not at all. Here are a few simple rules which will tell you how to diet the easy way. If you will follow them faithfully, they will surely make you slim in no time.
1. Face upto the fact that the first few weeks of dieting are going to be tough on your stomach because going on a diet means that you have got to eat much less than you usually eat, which means all the time you are going to feel gnawing in your tummy. Whenever you feel the craving

In order to train your body to eat less, you must keep busy constantly. If you sit at home doing nothing, naturally you will find that the only diversion you have from your boredom is to eat. Therefore, if you have no work then develop a hobby. Spend the money you usually use to gorge yourself with food on your favorite hobby. Some people who are reducing, find that reading or going to the movies are acceptable substitutes. Other's find substitutes in writing, embroidery, painting, stitching, etc. Once you keep yourself busily occupied, your mind will have no time to dwell upon food.
2. See the calorie chart and substitute low calorie foods for

3. For the first few weeks try not to eat with others at the table because naturally the tantilising rich smell of their food will tempt you. Therefore, in the beginning eat by yourself or at a different time from the rest of the household.
4. Take some sort of exercise daily. Go for long brisk walks in the mornings and in the evenings. Play tennis, play with your children, swim and cycle. Do anything but do not keep sitting at one place for any length of time. Keep on the move. This is good for your health and figure.

5. Keep a weekly diary of your weight and essential measurements. Weigh yourself on a reliable

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