The Search For Effective Anti Aging Products**An important guide when evaluating anti aging products is to look at their ingredients. After all, it is these ingredients that perform the desired effects....Antioxidants are common ingredients in effective anti aging products....
The Search For Effective Anti Aging Products
The increasing number of anti aging products that are available in the market attests to the age-old quest of human beings to preserve their youth or at least delay aging. There has been much progress in scientific studies about certain compounds that effectively combat the signs of aging. However, there is so much confusion in the market because of the availability of so many products claiming that they can delay aging or even make a person look younger again. Because of the very high demand for these products, many unscrupulous persons are trying to take advantage of it by marketing products that are doubtful when it comes to their effectiveness and safety.
An important guide when evaluating anti aging products is to look at their ingredients. After all, it is these ingredients that perform the desired effects. Moreover, some ingredients may not only be ineffective but may also cause harm to befall the person using a particular product. It is also
these ingredients or chemicals that have been investigated in various studies. An important finding in these studies is that oxidation is one of the causes of cellular aging. Meanwhile, various compounds have been found to counter the effects of oxidants.
Antioxidants are common ingredients in effective anti aging products. These include a number of vitamins, alpha-hydroxy acids, and beta-hydroxy salicylic acid. Alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy salicylic acid have also been found to be effective in getting rid of dead skin cells. This capability reduces the possibility that these dead skin cells will find themselves in the skin pores. Meanwhile, vitamins C, D, E and K have been found to act as antioxidants that eliminate free radicals. It is these free radicals that cause oxidation and skin aging. Meanwhile, a number of hormone supplements have also been discovered to have anti aging effects and these include DHEA, thyroid hormones, melatonin, testosterone, and progesterone.By: Steve Benson
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