Teenage Beauty***Besides taking a proper diet, sleep for at least eight hours daily because the skin cells can only renew themselves while you are asleep...Exercise in fresh air...
Teenage BeautyThe developing body of a teenager leads to a variety of problems. Some of the most common problems are under active glands, resulting in various skin troubles like acne and open pores and overweight and underweight problems.
If you are overweight (or if this is your tendency), you have to pull out any sweet tooth that you might have and do it immediately. Instead of rich and creamy desserts and sugar-laden drinks, take more milk and eat more nourishing vegetables and fruits. Also, adequate. (not giant) servings of meat, fish, poultry and eggs are essential to your health and good figure. But if you are underweight, you must choose foods with high protein and vitamin content. Don't skip meals and don't try to substitute them with quick snacks at odd intervals. That is one of the worst eating habits you can have, which will not help you to round out those angular corners.Besides taking a proper diet, sleep for at least eight hours daily because the skin cells can only renew themselves while you are asleep.Exercise in fresh air. Go for long brisk walks both in the morning and in the evening.
During growing years your skin will be getting coarser and the pores will get accumulated with secretion leading to embarrassing bumps and blemishes. To escape this and to keep he skin taut, moist and glowing, keep your skin clean by cleaning it thrice a day religiously. Steam your face at least twice a week. Then, apply a mask made up of two tablespoons dried orange peel powder made into a paste with milk and little rose water. This mask not only cleans the skin but also purifies the pores of your skin so that they function in the way nature intended them to.Take good care of your hair because this will pay you rich dividends in later years. Brush it nicely both morning and night and if you have reason to think that your hair is falling unduly or looking dull give it the treatment prescribed earlier. And if you have fallen a victim to acne, follow the advice given elsewhere.As for make up use compact on the face and the palest shade of lipstick available in the market. Apply lip gloss on it if you like. Instead of mascara, brush a little castor oil on your lashes; this will not only give them a wider look but will at the same time encourage their growth. And as for the nail polish use palest of the pink shades.Article Source:http://www.makeup-artists.org/