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In these days of spiraling prices make the most of your beauty aids. Do you make the most of your beauty aids, get the maximum amount of service from them?
Here are some tips worth nothing.

2. If you have a few old lipsticks which are almost over, scoop out the colour with the help of an orange stick and put the colours in a tablespoon. Hold the spoon over a slow fire till the colours melt, then mix thoroughly and pour the mixture in a container. Place the container in the freezer or on a bowl of ice for 15-20 minutes or until the mixture becomes solid, and you have a brand new shade of lipstick.
3. If you happen to have a dark shade of lipstick which is out of fashion, do not discard it. Use it over a white lipstick or better still melt the dark shade along with the white shade and you will have a new soft shade of lipstick.
4. In the hot weather if your lipstick happens to turn soft, keep it in the freezer or on a bowl of ice for half an hour and it will turn hard again. It is a wise idea to keep the cosmetics of all types in the fridge, this way they will last you longer.
5. Do not throw away nail polish brushes. Wash them in acetone then in warm soapy water, dry them and use them as lipstick brushes. If you have a couple of nailpolish bottles in which the nailpolish is dry or nearly over, put in each bottle a teaspoon of acetone, shake well and keep the bottles aside for 24 hours. You will find that the colours have become fluid. Pour all the colours in one bottle fill the rest of the bottle with white, gold, colourless or silver nail polish. Shake well and you will have in your possession a most unusual colour which will be the envy of all your friends.
6. If your nailpolish spills on the floor. Do not worry, let it dry completely, scoop it up with a orange stick, put it in a bottle, put in some acetone. Shake well, set aside for 24 hours and your nailpolish will be as good as new.
7. To prevent nailpolish from thickening, every week put in a few drops of acetone and shake well. In this way your nailpolish will retain its consistency for indefinite period.
8. A nailpolish bottle top wont stick if a little cream or Vaseline is applied to the threads of the bottle.
9. Do not throwaway mascara brushes. Wash them in warm soapy water dry them and use them for brushing your eyebrows.
10. Do not throwaway empty perfume bottles. Place them amongst your clothes. Your clothes will have the fragrance of your favorite perfume, but do not keep them in zari clothes, because perfume darkens zari and makes it black. In hot weather keep colognes, scents and your astringent lotion in the fridge. These preparation when chilled can be as bracing as trip to a hill station.
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