When you cross thirty your face undergoes a radical change. The facial skin sags a wee bit, there is also a sign of double chin, the under eye area may look a bit puffy and the first appearance of crow's feet takes place. The neck and hands start showing signs of age. You must not make faces like grimacing, frowning, raising your eyebrows, etc. These actions of the face leave marks on your face which give not only ugly look to the face but leave lines and wrinkles on the face which are not possible to erase. Always treat your skin gently, never drag, pull or squeeze your face.
If you have a dry skin then take 2 to 3 tablespoons of butter or ghee in your diet. Also take vitamin A & E as supplements. Instead of cleaning your face with soap and water, clean with a milk cleanser. Warm 1 tablespoon of oil with 2 tablespoons of milk, put in a

But if you have a oily skin then take a diet rich in proteins but restricted in sugar, fluids and salt. Take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Pork and fried and highly seasoned foods should be avoided. Add yeast tablets to your daily diet. This invaluable B vitamin will normalize the oil balance on your skin. Here is a good cleanser for a greasy skin. Put a tablespoon of skimed milk in a cup. Add enough water to create a milky consistency. Apply with cotton wool allover your face and neck.
Then remove with facial tissue and blot dry. Always apply moisturizer two to three times a day, this will help to keep your skin smooth and wrinkle?free. Cover your face whenever you go out either with a dupatta or with an umbrella. If you want to protect your skin from ageing and tanning always wear sun-glasses in the bright sun to protect you from lines around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very delicate, so never rub your

Your feet should look lovely like your face. Wash your feet with linty of soap and pumice stone to smooth away the rough skin. Apply cream or oil after drying them nicely. Trim your toenails regularly and paint your toenails with bright colors. Do not paint the sides of the nails to get a slimmer look.
Like feet you should also take care of your hands. Massage your hands with cream 2 to 3 times daily. The massage movements should be towards the wrists. Give your nails an oval shape and apply light shade of nail enamel to give your hands grace and beauty.
Article Source:http://www.makeup-artists.org/