Pregnancy Stretch Marks: How To Deal
Stretch marks are usually the result of expanding skin. They are very common during

It comes to know surprise that during pregnancy a woman can develop stretch marks, however, not many people know that this skin problem can also appear after birth due to the rapid weight loss. This is why it is so important to be vigilant about weight gain and loss during and after pregnancy.
Stretch Marks Prevention for Pregnant Women
Some women are lucky enough to not get stretch marks. However, for the rest of us, stretch marks are a reality. In order to control this problem during pregnancy, it is important to follow your doctor's dietary indications.
Gaining weight slowly and at a steady pace is the best way to keep stretch marks at bay. The one thing you should be careful not to do is to eat recklessly because not only is this bad for your health, but it's also bad for your baby's healthy and a surefire way of getting stretch marks.
After having given birth most women begin to lose weight rapidly which can eventually lead to the appearance of stretch marks. At this point, it may be impossible to avoid stretch marks, however, there are a few things you can do to reduce the possibility of new stretch marks. You should eat sensibly, lose weight gradually, and use a stretch marks cream as a daily part of your skin care routine.
Get Rid of Stretch Marks: Stretch Marks Treatment Options
Pregnancy stretch marks can be treated using special creams, laser therapy, chemical peels, and

Plastic surgery is another viable option for stretch marks, but is most often performed when a person wants to eliminate loose skin, and not just stretch marks. Surgery is the only way to permanently remove stretch marks but isn't always an appropriate treatment for everyone.
Stretch marks creams can be used before, during and after pregnancy to deal with striae. When used before and during pregnancy, this type of cream will help the skin resist stretching better than before. Some stretch marks creams contain ingredients that help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Creams are the slowest forms of treatment. But they are also the gentlest. However, when searching for the best creams you should make sure that they contain rose hip seed oil or snail serum. Both of these ingredients are natural and can help break down damaged tissue and promote the production of collagen and new skin cells.
By: Gabriell Rygh
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