1. The best way however to counteract these ailments is to dispense with the use of soap completely. Instead clean your face with milk cream on top of the milk blended with a few drops of lime juice and a pinch of turmeric powder. Every night massage pure Vaseline into your face before going to bed. After bath in the morning massage moisturizer into the skin. If dryness has resulted in scaling take foods rich in vitamins because these vitamins are stored in the fat just below the surface of the skin countering any tendency towards dryness and roughness. Do not eat chilled foods or foods below room temperature. Do not eat cooling things like curds, buttermilk and salads, instead go in for spicy and hot soups. Eat more foods like makai, jowar and bajra and dry fruits and nuts which will provide the much-needed warmth to the body. In winter you should always opt for warm foods which provide the body with warmth and energy so that it does not fall victim to the ailments of winter.
2. If you fall a victim to itching which is a common complaint during winters then take a tablespoon of sandalwood oil and mix in equal quantity of coconut oil. Apply on the itching parts of the body a couple of times daily to get relief. The juice of tulsi leaves also is equally effective. Another common ailment in winter is eczema. Initially the surface of the skin becomes red but later it turns dry, rough and scaly. Grind a walnut to a paste, squeeze out its oil and apply on the affected parts a few times daily.
3. Winter plays havoc with the hair making it dry, brittle and dull. To bring a healthy shine to your hair take some warm coconut oil and mix it with equal quantities of warm olive oil. Make partings along the hair and dab the oil along each parting with your fingertips. Continue in this way till the whole scalp has been oiled. Then wrap hot towels over the head to keep the scalp as warm as possible. After half an hour when the scalp has absorbed the oil, wash with ordinary shampoo in which one egg has been added; wash the hair in warm and not hot water when using egg on the head.
4. Use a moisturized foundation. On your face touch up your lips with warm creamy colors.
Above all you should eat the right foods to enable your body to fight against the many ills of winter and to put an attractive bloom in your cheeks.
Article Source:http://www.makeup-artists.org/