What Is Inverted Nipple Surgery?

In some cases an inverted nipple can cause functional problems for a woman which can then lead to additional emotional issues. Symptoms of problematic inverted nipples are irritation, discomfort, a rash or the inability to breast feed. Inverted nipples are most often a congenital problem but can also be a result of scarring or infection during breast-feeding or past breast surgery. Whatever the reason there is a solution – inverted nipple surgery.
Inverted nipple surgery is less invasive when compared to many other types of breast surgery. In most cases inverted nipple surgery is performed as a day surgery procedure and patients are given general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic. Recovery is considerable quick after inverted nipple surgery and many people can return to their regular routines within a few days.
If you want to find out more about what’s involved in inverted nipple surgery then talk to a cosmetic surgery expert who will be able to go through each step of the surgery with you. If you need a Sydney based inverted nipple expert then call the qualified and experienced experts at Refine Clinic, Ph: 1300 788 742 or check out their website at www.RefineClinic.com. Their cosmetic professionals have many years of experience when it comes to inverted nipple surgery so will be able to give you all the answers you need. Don’t be embarrassed any longer and find out what’s involved in inverted nipple surgery – you may be surprised how simple it is.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/cosmetics-articles/