Summer Style
In summers to keep cool and composed you require certain things to beat the heat.

Here are A to Z of things you should do in summers to keep your cool.
1. Arms: Lovely arms are a tremendous asset. A growth of hair on the arms are a no, no in the hot months. So have them waxed daily. During the bath rub your arms with a pumice stone to keep them smooth and attractive and then pat on a few drops of oil on them.
2. Bathe at least twice daily with an antibacterial soap to keep your body fresh and free from perspiration and body odour.
3. Cotton clothes: Hot season is the season when you should play it real cool. Nylon, georgettes and heavy silks should be stored away and instead you should bring out soft and wispy cottons in the coolest of shades.

5. Eau de cologne: Chill it in, your fridge and spray it over yourself; a wonderful way to keep yourself cool.

6. Fresh green and yellow vegetables: To beat the heat gorge on salads made of fresh green and yellow veggies. Eat them and enjoy a lovely health in this season.
7. For greasy skin: It is the bane of hot season. Drink plenty of water and juices. Avoid fried, spicy and greasy foods. Wash face frequently with mild soap and water. Here is a pack which will help you combat greasy skin. Mix together 1 teaspoon each of grated cucumber, egg white and skimmed milk powder. Apply on the face for 20 minutes and then wash off.
8. Hair: In the hot season the hair too turn greasy if it is not washed regularly. To treat a greasy scalp wash your head with multani mitti. Soak a lump of multani mitti in water. When it softens add juice of 1 big lime. Rub into the scalp and leave on for half an hour and then wash off.
9. For itching: To combat itching in summer apply a paste of baking soda and rose water to the affected areas. Even juice of Tulsi leaves gives relief.

10. Jaljeera : A real must in the hot weather. Chill it and enjoy it to keep your body cool. Now you get the good old jal jeera in tetrapacks also. So instead of colas opt for granny's way of cooling the body with jal jeera.
11. Kness: If you have rough knees take a handful of oatmeal and soak it in milk for 5 minutes and then massage it into your knees. This will make your knees smooth and light in colour.
12. Legs: Since you will be wearing dresses in summer, then you should keep your legs free of hair. Shave them every other day and apply vanishing cream on them whenever you go out to give them a matte finish.
13. Mild calluses: These are thick scaly masses of skin on the feet. In early stages they can be cured by rubbing pumice stone over them in a rotatory motion at bath time. Feet look very ugly when you have calluses and since in this season you are going to wear open shoes be careful about calluses because they always came when you wear ill-fitting shoes.
14. Nails: Oil your nails regularly at night time to keep them in a healthy condition. Remove old nail polish a day in advance to give your nails a chance to breathe in oxygen and to get the advantage of sun and air.

15. Open pores: In not season they become very obvious. The best remedy for them is to rub on the skin half teaspoon of lime juice mixed with one-fourth teaspoon of tomato juice and milk.
16. Pimples: Pimples again become very active due to the greasy skin. The best remedy for pimples is your own spit. The spit found in the mouth early in the morning and at midnight is very poisonous that can kill any disease. Every time you wakeup in the night apply your own spit an the pimples. Before brushing your teeth apply your spit. Leave it on for 1 hour and then wash your face. With in a week you will find great improvement in your condition.
17. Quiet and rest: Fatigue and emotional disturbances are potential killers of beauty. Specially in warm weather find a cool and dark place and relax.
18. For rash: It is very common in hot weather to get a rash. Sandalwood lotion if applied on the skin once or twice a day gives great relief from heat rash.
19. For sunscreen: It is very important in the hot season. Never go out in the sun without using a sunscreen. It protects you from the harsh rays of the sun thereby protecting your skin from freckles, sunburns and suntan.
20. Tinkling anklets: Tinkling anklets are a part of Indian heritage. Beautiful feet are an asset of which every woman is very proud and what better way is there to show your beautiful bare feet to advantage than by wearing this traditional piece of jewellery around your ankles.
21. Umbrellas: Always carry an umbrella when you are jewellery going out in the hot burning sun, specially when you are going out between 12 to 4 in the afternoon when the sun is at its highest.
22. Very bad breath: In summer or any other season bad breath is a big no, no. You must not eat foods like onions, garlic and radishes. But if you have eaten them to disguise their smell chew cloves, cardamoms or an antiseptic lozenge. Eat curds and parsley. Drink fenugreek or peppermint tea
23. Withered skin: It is a very rough textured skin full of wrinkles. It is due to over exposure to sum. To protect your skin you must not go out in the sun without an umbrella. Always cream and

24. Exercise: It keeps you going and keeps you fresh and fit. Go for long walks. Jog, run, cycle; do anything but do not be a couch potato.
25. Yoga: It is the oldest form of healthy exercise which can be practiced in every season. A few moments of yoga a day will purchase for you a toning of muscles and will improve your digestion and circulatory system.
26. Zest for life: Always be full of happiness and cheerfulness whether it is very cold or extremely hot. It is better to be happy than unhappy because happiness attracts people like bees to honey. There is a well known saying which you should always bear in mind. If you cry you cry alone and when you laugh everyone laughs with you.
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