Light Exercises...Stand straight with both feet together..Take a light stick and hold it behind the nape of the neck,..tanding, support the right hand on a stick, and the left hand on the hip...Sit down on the ground with legs separated...Lie straight on a bench.....
Light Exercises
Exercise No.1
Stand straight with both feet together. Bend the upper body first to the left then to the right without straightening up. Inhale while bending the body on the sides and exhale while finishing the circular movement from left to right. Do this five times on both the sides without moving the legs.
Exercise No.2
Take a light stick and hold it behind the nape of the neck, raise the bar above the head while inhaling, then bring it back behind the head while exhaling. Do this ten times.
Exercise No.3Standing, support the right hand on a stick, and the left hand on the hip. Raise

the left leg straight forward while inhaling and bring it back to the ground while exhaling. Do this ten times with each leg changing the stick in hands.
Exercise No.4Stand straight with hands at the hips. Advance the left leg forwards while bending it while inhaling. Bring back in position while exhaling. Do this ten times involving both the legs.
Exercise No.5

Sit down on the ground with legs separated. Stretch arms on both the sides to the height of your shoulders. With the right hand touch the left foot while inhaling, then with the left hand touch the right foot while exhaling. Do this ten times with each hand. Keep the stomach tucked in whilst doing these exercises.
Exercise No.6Lie straight on a bench. Bend one leg after the other bringing each time your knee to the chest. Inhale as you bend the leg and exhale while stretching it. Do this ten times.
Exercise No.7
Sit on the floor with straight back and legs stretched out in front, hands behind the nape of the neck and the legs joined together. Bend the body forward and try to touch the left knee with the elbow of the right arm. After 6 seconds return to the original position and do the same exercise with the left elbow. Inhale before doing the exercise and exhale whilst finishing the movement. Do this five times on each side.
Exercise No.8Lie on the back with your legs joined together. Raise them up as far as they can go while inhaling and bring them back to the ground while exhaling. Do this ten times.
Exercise No.9Lie down on your stomach on a flat surface with your hands behind the nape of your neck. Raise yourself as high as possible while inhaling and come to the original position while exhaling. Do this 10 times.
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