Drawbacks of Spray Tanning
Unless you believe that wrinkled, leathery skin with brown spots looks nice, you should restrict your exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Aside from making your skin ugly, overexposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer.

Despite this widespread warning, a lot of people still want to bask in the sun just to get a nice tan. However, you can get one without suffering in the process. One god alternative is spray tanning which has certain advantages and disadvantages.
With spray or airbrush tanning, you can get a tan that matches your skin tone for an even, natural look. Results are immediate since you literally paint yourself with the tanning solution.

But there are drawbacks as well. One disadvantage of spray tanning is that it has to be done often since the tan will eventually fade. It generally lasts for five to seven days. In some people, spray tanning can lead to excessively dry skin. To prevent this, use a moisturizer or purchase a sunless tanning kit. The latter contains a sunless tanning product (lotion, spray, or gel), a product for exfoliating the skin before applying the tanning solution, and a moisturizer that you apply after using the product. While these kits are handy, they can be pricey.
Another disadvantage of spray tanning is that it can be messy. Cleaning yourself after the procedure can be difficult, especially if your fingernails get dirty. That's the reason why other people prefer to use tanning beds.
For tanning beds that combine quality and affordability, check out tanning beds from Hot Tanning Beds.
By Maria Cole
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maria_Cole